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Lawyer Paolo Siniscalchi

  /  Lawyer Paolo Siniscalchi

Lawyer Paolo Siniscalchi

Graduated in law with honours at the Sacro Cuore Catholic University of Milan in 1989, with a thesis on bankruptcy law, supervisor Prof. Piero Schlesinger. In June 1989, immediately after graduating, he entered the legal practice of Corso Bovio, with whom he founded Studio Legale Bovio e Siniscalchi in 2001, now known as Studio Legale Siniscalchi e Associati.

Drawing on his experience and skills in the area of finance, Mr Siniscalchi has assisted multinational companies with complex international tax problems. He has discussed the compatibility of the Italian regulations on fraudulent accounting with the European Union legal system before the European Court of Justice. He has discussed the controversial matter of profits from criminal offences pursuant to legislative decree 231/2001 before the joint sections of the Supreme Court. He regularly provides a London-based hedge fund with assistance and consultancy, and has acted as counsel for boards of directors of banks and private investors in cases which have aroused the interest of the Italian press.

With particular reference to his experience and skills in criminal negligence, Mr Siniscalchi has covered some of the most significant disasters in the areas of aeronautics (the Linate disaster), rail travel (the Pendolino, Crevalcore and Viareggio incidents) and plant (the collapse of the Mobil Oil refinery in Campania).

He has also built up wide experience in offences against the public administration, and has taken part in many of the most important trials of recent years.

Mr Siniscalchi has also spoken at a number of conferences on a wide range of matters, and has published articles in Sole 24 Ore and Famiglia Cristiana, in which Mr Bovio wrote a regular column for many years, and has contributed to the editing of text books preparing aspiring journalists for the examination admitting them to that profession.

For a number of years, he has taught criminal law and procedure within the context of the specialist legal traineeship course at the University of Milan.

